How Customers and providers both benefit by a Subscription (Saas or Paas or CPaas) of a Product or a Service?

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Benefits for Customers

  1. Low Cost for subscribing for Longer duration
  2. Exclusive deals if subscribed
  3. Sneak Peek to the new or upcoming products
  4. Preferencial treatment
  5. Automation of Payment and some tasks
  6. Relatively Easy to Switch to other subscription
  7. Ability to switch between plans based on usage or requirements

Benefits for the Providers

  1. Scaling becomes easier
  2. Integrating with others becomes easier
  3. Customers are with you for infinite time if you continue to adapt.
  4. Relatively acquisition is easier due to low cost. Increases affordability for everyone.
  5. They can get large sum of money for longer duration which they can invest.
  6. They can give options to choose from monthly or annual recurring subscription and generate a predictable revenue based on the nature of the product or the service
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